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Why Reintroduce Brown Business Excellence to Brown Communities?

South Africa
Why Reintroduce Brown Business Excellence to Brown Communities?

South Africa is well known around the world for its diverse culture and continuing struggles toward freedom and prosperity. 

It is well documented that people from other countries come to South Africa and creep into the communities of South African natives where they build up empires on the backs of the citizens of South Africa. In recent times Asiatic people of Pakistan and Chinese descent have made their way into the heartland of South Africa the motherland where they are raping the economic system and depriving South Africans to thrive in the economic space of society. One reason is the fact that those with financial capital at their disposal will always stand a better chance at success in a space dominated by capitalism.

The most poverty-stricken in South Africa, the brown communities seem to suffer the worst from foreign business because the foreign capitalist business owners are targeting their communities as the most ideal places to set up shop. The brown communities without knowing it are being pillaged and overthrown on an economic level. In this case, it is easy for the invader to come bearing gifts in the form of easy access to merchandise at low prices and in turn wanting loyal support from communities living in already highly impoverished conditions due to multiple factors mainly the lack of opportunity tied to unemployment. 

Carlo Small a South African Citizen says “The brown communities across South Africa have endured an amalgamation of lies, deceit, and exploitation stretching all the way back to when the Europeans first invaded the land of the aboriginal peoples. Since then up until today brown people have been victimised and demonised. Foreigners are infiltrating brown communities today more than any other community in South Africa preying on the emotions and needs of brown people.”

Chinese liquor shops, Pakistani cash and carry, and Egyptian merchandise are some of the shops infecting and destroying the cultural heritage of South African citizens especially that of brown communities. In contrast, it is the love and compassion that brown people have for all above themselves that adds to the generational trauma they continue to endure.

“Brown people know that the foreigners are like a destructive poisoning virus infecting their cultural well-being. The question to be answered is that the people must rise and kick the foreign business owners to the curb and in place open up their own shops that will build a communal economic system that supports a greater South Africa.”

Many brown people at times have deliberately turned a blind eye however in their subconscious always knew that they were being used and exploited but more recently with the health threats of minors in parts of South Africa many Citizens are starting to realise the need for action to secure and protect the health and longevity of the current as well as future generations.

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