Saturday, Jul, 06, 2024
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Emmerentia Philander's Journey to Making a Difference Through Education

Emmerentia Philander's Journey to Making a Difference Through Education

Emmerentia Philander has always worked with children, starting as a cleaner in a crèche. From the very start, she wanted to make a difference in the lives of young children and reassure parents that their children are being cared for and assisted when they are unable to do so themselves. 

Emmerentia is passionate about helping children; she studied Early Childhood Development (ECD) and worked part-time as a babysitter. She also worked as a nanny, an assistant teacher, and eventually a teacher at a special needs school. 

On March 1, 2021, she finally opened her aftercare center, Emmy's Kid Zone & Aftercare. It was difficult to choose a name, but she knew she wanted to create a safe space for the children, one in which they felt valued and had a purpose. After careful consideration, she settled on something brief, sweet, and straightforward.

When she first opened it, she signed up six learners by promoting herself on Facebook, going door to door, handing out flyers, and placing them in various shops and libraries. The first six parents also recommended her to their friends after seeing the results with their children. 

She currently has 28 students ranging from grades R to 7, and she rents a church hall for R2 000 per month. In 2023, she had 18 students, ten of whom were awarded diplomas for academic performance.

She does not work alone; she has a cook and four assistants on her team. Emmy's Aftercare provides a variety of school-related services, such as homework assistance and reading. It also provides students with lunch every day before they begin their homework.

Emmerentia buys the necessary stationery, toys, and educational supplies out of kindness of heart. Any additional financial support comes from her devoted husband, the parents who pay a small fee to have their children cared for, and the fundraisers. 

When it comes to resolving conflicts, children are taught to share while playing with toys or using stationary. "When they hurt each other, I will listen to both their stories and allow them to apologize to each other in a good and sincere way. Most of them understand by now that they must apologize to one another," Emmerentia said.

Emmerentia's long-term goals include instilling the value of education in young children, establishing a solid foundation, and making a difference in their lives. She wants to create job opportunities for the people in her community. When she has saved enough money, she intends to purchase a building to house her aftercare center. 

Emmerentia says she enjoys working with children, and God gave her that passion. "Make your dreams a reality" With God in the driver's seat, you can do and accomplish anything. Don't let anyone take away your happiness. During this time when parents do not make time or have enough time to help with homework, I am grateful that I can be that person who can make a difference in the lives of the learners," Emmerentia said.

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