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Civil Servants Pension Redress Movement

South Africa
Civil Servants Pension Redress Movement

During an eventful gathering at Steenberg Secondary School on Saturday 29 June 2024 a crowd of former civil servants heard the voice of a determined Stephen Sass appealing to those who have been discriminated against by the Apartheid and Current ANC Government to join forces and partake in a movement that started in 2019.

Stephen Sass the Chairman of CSPRM visited the Southern Suburbs of Cape Town in what can be said to have been an enlightening engagement. Those in attendance listened to how the South African Government signed a resolution in 1998 that mandates them to compensate those citizens who worked for the Government during the years 1961 up to 1996 with R8,704 billion which had been made available by the GEPF. 

The South African Government has many secrets that are coming out to light since citizens are no longer stagnant and in actual fact many are starting to step forward and demand righteousness to take place. Therefore CSPRM who have been aware of the injustices taking place in the country finally picked up the mandate to bring the truth to the communities and is busy formulating their approach to take the Government to court over the billions of rands that are said to be owed to former civil servants. 

According to Mr Sass the Government closed applications for the pension redress owed to former civil servants back in 2012 where by approximately 157,000 people applied and only 57,000 people deemed to have qualified. Mr Sass says “There are more then 400,000 people that qualify for the pension redress and the team at CSPRM is working tirelessly to mobilise those who have been hard done by. Our goal is to make sure every citizen who worked for the Government gets compensated”.

The Government owes huge sums of money to former civil servants most of whom can only rely on SASSA grants of up to R2200 per month causing generational problems to those households affected by the irregular behaviour of the Government. It can be perceived that generations have been negatively impacted due to families having to work backwards in efforts to uphold households. 

CSPRM is on the move and welcoming all former civil servants whether they worked in education, health, military, or any other post linked to the Government to join the movement by becoming a member. Click on the following link to sign up as a member at CSPRM -

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