Wednesday, Jul, 03, 2024
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Woman Posing as Doctor Arrested at Tembisa Hospital

Woman Posing as Doctor Arrested at Tembisa Hospital

In a shocking turn of events at Tembisa Tertiary Hospital, a woman who had previously been a patient at the facility was arrested for posing as a doctor. This incident has raised serious concerns about the security and verification processes within South African hospitals.

The 37-year-old woman was caught after hospital staff noticed discrepancies in her behavior and medical knowledge. "We became suspicious when she couldn't answer basic medical questions and seemed unfamiliar with hospital protocols," a hospital spokesperson reported to Health-e News.

The woman had just been a patient at Tembisa Tertiary Hospital for three weeks before her arrest, according to additional inquiry. As per Dr. Sibongiseni Dhlomo, the MEC for Gauteng Health, "it's alarming that someone was able to gain access to medical facilities and pose as a doctor without proper credentials," she told Health24 in a statement.

Authorities are now looking into how she obtained a doctor's uniform and gained access to restricted areas of the hospital.

The suspect has been charged with impersonating a medical professional and is currently in police custody awaiting trial. This incident has sparked outrage and prompted calls for immediate action to ensure the safety of patients and the integrity of healthcare services.

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