Wednesday, Jul, 03, 2024
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South Africa’s Youth Becoming More Active in Undesirable Political System

South Africa
South Africa’s Youth Becoming More Active in Undesirable Political System

The youth have taken centre stage in political activities in South Africa, and this fact was so prominent a month after the country's recent elections. Their involvement and energies manifest themselves in several ways.

Young South African Citizens are highly preoccupied with the issues of unemployment, education, and corruption. They want to see changes in their communities, and they are ensuring that their voices are indeed heard. Using social media, conducting protests, attending community meetings, and partaking in the political processes on very high levels, they make sure to have a say in the direction the country will take.

Through this young people are impacting the way political campaigns are run. Increasingly, politicians are focusing on issues concerning their electorate-job creation and lower, more affordable education. Social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok are increasingly becoming the means to connect with young voters, realizing an online presence is essential to win youth support.

These are undoubtedly welcome developments, but a great deal remains to be done. Many youths themselves proclaim that they no longer feel connected with the political system and that their vote will not make a difference. Other barriers, such as poverty and lack of education, could also render full participation by citizens in the political process impossible.

In any case, the youth of South Africa show remarkable resilience and an unquenchable thirst to make a mark. There are innovative ways to harness participation through involvement in politics and demanding accountability from leaders. Their engagement therefore is significant to the future of democracy in this country. 

Indeed, as South Africa looks back on the recent elections, it has proved a fact that the youth are not only going to be the leaders of tomorrow but change-makers of today. It is through their active participation that South Africa's political geography scales new heights, and their voices make a symphony of hope and progress.

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