Wednesday, Jul, 03, 2024
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Rising Star from Wellington: Zibo Spreading Positivity Through Music

Rising Star from Wellington: Zibo Spreading Positivity Through Music

Meet Zibo, the Afrikaans rap artist from Wellington who has been making waves in the local music scene for over a decade with influences like Hemelbese and MC Agemi & Earl as inspirations. Zibo's music is a unique blend of Afrikaans and English, with a focus on spreading positive messages.

"I always consider the present when I write", Zibo explains. "What's happening right now? What are people going to relate to right now? When it's just me, my pen, and my book, I'm all in". Reality is at the heart of Zibo's music, which blends elements of Rap, R&B, and Soul.

Incorporating a style often referred to as "kombuis engels" – a mix of Afrikaans and English, Zibo’s motivational and R&B-infused tracks have resonated with fans and he is becoming a favorite at local festivals like the Wellington Festival of Lights.

When preparing for a show, Zibo researches his audience, considering their age group and demographics. Currently, Zibo is focused on ParkJams, a community-driven initiative that brings free performances to underprivileged areas. "We're like 10 solo artists working together to give back to our communities," he says. "It's a way for us to entertain the youth and give back to those who need it most."

For the next six to twelve months, Zibo's goal is to help the artists that he is working with to reach their full potential. "Helping others succeed is my greatest feeding source", he says. In August, he will be releasing a new EP that showcases his growth as an artist.

To aspiring musicians, Zibo offers this advice: "Be consistent, be committed, never give up on your dreams or goals. Rome wasn't built in one day." With his passion for music and commitment to spreading positivity, Zibo is an artist to watch out for in the future.

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