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South Africa - Teenage Pregnancy

South Africa - Teenage Pregnancy

Motherhood is one of the highest if not the greatest achievement that any woman can have. 

Humans, like all other species, procreate and pass on what they have accomplished to the generations that come after them. The general idea normalized by society throughout the ages was for a man and woman to reach adulthood, get married, have children, and spend the rest of their lives together. This is what we have come to accept however, for the longest time teenage girls are getting impregnated.

Teenage pregnancy has an invaluable impact on society. With most teenage pregnancies unplanned, most teenage mothers find themselves in an unwanted situation not knowing who they can trust and how to plan for a life with a child, since they are still trying to figure out the complexities of life on their own. When looking at it from society's view, it is important to understand that a teen mother will end up shaping the life of her newborn as well as that of her own, this responsibility should not be placed solely on her alone. Parents, friends, and the community must step up and provide the necessary positive assistance that a teenage mother would require whether she asks for it or not.

Telling her story a woman says: “I was 14 years old, just accepted to partake in the Western Cape Netball team when I fell pregnant. I was overwhelmed with insecurities not knowing who to tell and who to trust. I kept it to myself hoping that it would just go away, even going as far as trying different remedies to end the pregnancy. After 6 months my mother finally picked up a scent and took me to the doctor when it was confirmed. The school I attended supported my cause by sending me away to a home that facilitates teenage pregnancies. Finally, I gave birth to a baby girl, and to my surprise, she looked exactly like me and I instantly fell in love. Still not feeling content with being a mother, my mom stepped in like a superhero and took up so much of the responsibilities. It was hard for me to tell people that I have a child. I received strange looks and it made me feel uncomfortable, however, I had such a strong support structure in my friends keeping my mind out of bad spaces and focused on the positive things that life has to offer. Today, I realize that it all was a blessing and I am proud to be a mother. My stars have changed for now I do not only dream for myself but for my child as well.”

Such an inspirational story brings a feeling of hope to our world for teenage girls to be mindful of the implications of falling pregnant early but also that should you stumble into a situation that was uncalled for, you can still find happiness.

The world has lost touch with the idea of togetherness and support due to the false pretense that people do not have time to invest in the lives of their peers and that everyone should look after themselves. How can we as a society expect a teenage mother between the ages of 12 - 19 to raise a child, concentrate on educational studies, get a job and be happy in a world where they are stigmatized by stereotypes that they are unmotivated, irresponsible, and incompetent parents.

Society must come to realize again the importance of life, together we must contribute, develop, and build an environment fitting for future generations. We can educate and inspire to alternate radical decisions that lead to teenage pregnancy and also facilitate our children that have to endure the complexities of teenage pregnancy. At the end of the day, the child of that teenager will contribute to society and if we want a contribution that reflects a positive standard then we have to set such a standard from the start.

Teenage pregnancy is a blessing and not a curse.

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