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Why CSA party & Who are they?

Why CSA party & Who are they?

Compatriots of South Africa (CSA) “Bruinmense vir Bruinmense” is a Political Party registered with the IEC in South Africa. Their slogan is “Restoring Our Dignity.” After successfully registering as a national political party in the Republic of South Africa. CSA was set to contest in their first National Government election in 2019. CSA managed in a short period of time to contest in a total of 14 municipalities across the Eastern and Western Cape provinces.


Foundation of CSA”

In 2018 a small group of people also known today as the founders of the party; accord that enough is enough! Enough of “Bruinmense” votes that have been used for the last three decades as a doormat to different political parties. However, numerous people had a negative view of the slogan used by the CSA party “Bruinmense vir Bruinmense” as a racist remark. On the contrary, the slogan was used to mobilise the indigenous people to work together as the rightful owners of this land.


Purpose of the CSA party

The purpose was unitedly agreed that “Bruinmense vir Bruinmense” will use in future their own voice to restore their dignity. Through this one observes through CSA’s stats that one of the goals was accomplished in a short period of time.

  • 14 Municipalities Contest
  • 7 000 + Votes in Elections
  • 40 000+ Followers on social media
  • 5 000+ Signed Up Members

The Manifesto of CSA MANIFESTO LGE 2021.pdf  is crystal clear in what their purpose is. Year in and year out “Bruinmense” gives their vote to different political parties. Parties that carry no interest in their actual needs. In the process hope that their poor circumstances will change for the better, faithfully giving their votes to these parties. Repeatedly getting misled with empty promises such as supply of work, housing, and many other empty promises that might bring change to their economic growth. Our people get misled through food parcels and transportation to different voting locales.


Lastly, CSA says! Enough is enough! CSA cannot change the past, or make any promises. Except if they are onboard and in the position of national level /parliament. However, together we as “Bruinmense vir Bruinmense can use this time around our vote effectively to secure our own future. In the process Restoring Our Dignity” which is indeed CSA‘s goal.

Bruinmense vir Bruinmense!

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